Figure 1. Genetic study of the JHA1 DENV2 strain recovered from a symptomatic subject.
(A) Phylogenetic tree showing that the JHA1 strain (indicated by the rectangle) is grouped within the type 2 dengue viruses based on nucleotide sequences encompassing the envelope protein (domain III of the E protein) and the NS1 protein. The JHA1 strain was clustered in the American genotype (India/1957, American Samoa/1972 and Indonesia/1977) strains. Numbers at the nodes are bootstrap values (1000 replicates). DENV sequences were retrieved from GenBank as identified on the right side of the figure. In most cases, the sequences were also identified by the virus isolation area and the year of isolation. (B) Genetic analyses of polymorphic sites within the main envelope (E) protein sequence of the JHA1 strain were performed with the NGC strain, which served as the model for neurovirulence in mice, and the India/1957 and Indonesia/1977 strains, which are unable to infect mice. One amino acid substitution in the JHA1 strain was identical (position 390) and another was similar (position 402) to those observed at the same positions of the NGC strain but not in the other DENV2 strains. Other mutations at positions 301, 303 and 363 of the JHA1 E protein are unique to the JHA1 strain. (C) Genetic analysis of polymorphic sites of the deduced NS1 amino acid sequence. The amino acid replacement at position 105 was found in the NGC strain but not in the other DENV2 strains.