Table 4. Correlation between corrected daily gain (DGc) and predicted total genetic value (GTV, defined as the sum of genetic effects in the model), between DGc and estimated additive genetic effect (GBV), and reliability of GBV (R2 GBV), for the animals in the test dataset.
Model | Cor(GTV, DGc) | Cor(GBV, DGc) | R2 GBV (%) |
MA | 0.319a | 0.319a | 28.5a |
MAE | 0.320a | 0.321b | 28.8b |
MAD | 0.330b | 0.323c | 29.2c |
MAED | 0.331c | 0.325d | 29.5d |
Within a column, estimates without a common superscript differ significantly (P<0.05), according to the Hotelling-Williams t test.