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. 2012 Jul 20;9(3):569–587. doi: 10.1007/s13311-012-0131-z

Table 2.

Summary of neurofeedback treatment studies for ADHD

NF protocol Study Year Total N (NF, control) Age range Experimental design Control condition Main findings
Active control studies
θ/β Bakhshayesh et al. [69] 2011 35 (18,17) 6-14 years 1, 2 EMG biofeedback NF > EMG on IN, CPT RT, and concentration
θ/β Steiner et al. [72] 2011 41 (13, 13 AT, 15) 11-13 years 1, 6 Attention training (AT), WLC Both txs result in reduced ADHD sxs. Feasible in school setting
θ/β and SCP Gevensleben et al. [70] 2009 94 (59, 35) 9-12 years 1, 5, 6 Computerized attention training (AT) NF = larger tx change than AT. NF responders 52 %, AT responders 29 %
reanalysis Gevensleben et al. [67] 2009b 72 (46, 26) 9-12 years 1,5,6 NF = reduced central and parietal theta activity. Different EEG mechanisms affected by NF protocol
reanalysis Gevensleben et al. [77] 2010 61 (38, 23) 9-12 years 1,5,7 At 6-mo FU, improvement maintained for both NF and AT groups
reanalysis Wangler et al. [74] 2011 84 (56, 28) 9-12 years 1,5 SCP training results in larger CNV amplitude compared to AT, but no difference in cognitive performance
θ/β or SCP Leins et al. [68] 2007 38 (19, 19) 8-13 years 1,2,7 SCP vs θ/β ratio NF Both groups improved in ADHD behavior, IQ, and cortical regulation. Effects maintained at 6-mo FU
SCP Drechsler et al. [71] 2007 30 (17, 13) 9-13 years 3 Group therapy (GT) NF > GT on IN; all cognitive results NS. Parent support signif associated with outcome
reanalysis Doehnert et al. [73] 2008 26 (14, 12) 9-12 years 3 NF = GT in resting EEG, CNV amp, cognitive performance. NF = incr in parietal alpha associated with improved impulsivity
Sham/Placebo-controlled studies
θ/β Arnold et al. [64] 2012 39 (26, 13) 6-12 years 1,2 Sham NF Both groups improved, no signif differences betw active and sham NF
θ/β Lansbergen et al. [24] 2011 14 (8, 6) 8-15 years 1,2,4 Sham NF Both groups improved, no signif. differences betw active and sham NF
θ/β Logemann et al. [60] 2010 26 (14, 13) College age 1,2,4 Sham NF Both groups improved, no signif. differences betw active and sham NF
θ/β Perreau-Linck et al. [65] 2010 9 (5, 4) 8-13 years 1,2,6 Sham NF Both groups improved, neither group improved more than the other
Wait-list control studies
θ/β Levesque et al. [62] 2006 20 (15, 5) 8-12 years 1,6 WLC NF improved IN, cognitive performance, functional magnetic resonance activation. WLC no change
SCP Heinrich et al. [61] 2004 22 (13, 9) 7-13 years 1 WLC NF > WLC on ADHD behaviors, CPT impulsivity errors, incr CNV amp
θ/β Linden et al. [63] 1996 18 (9, 9) 5-15 years 1 WLC NF = WLC on ADHD behaviors, IQ

θ/β = theta/beta (including SMR) ratio; 1 = randomized; 2 = singe/double blind; 3 = incomplete randomization; 4 = individualized NF; 5 = multi-site; 6 = no direct or inappropriate statistical comparison between groups; 7 = 6-month follow-up; ADHD = attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder; btw = between; CNV = contingent negative variation; CPT = continuous performance test; FU = follow-up; impr = improved; IN = inattentive symptoms; incr = increased; IQ = intelligence; NF = neurofeedback; NS = not significant; RT = reaction time; SCP = slow cortical potential; signif = significant; SMR = sensorimotor rhythm; sxs = symptoms; txs = treatment; WLC = wait-list control