Table 2.
Overview of the Randomized Controlled Studies that Used Other Active Control Groups than Sham-NF or EMG-NF to Test the Effect of NF for ADHD
Study (country) | N (% of boys) | Age range | NF Protocol | Control group | Electrode position | Total sessions/duration of each session/number of session per week | Collateral treatments allowed | Blindness | Measurements (instrument) | Results |
Studies comparing NF with Computerized Attention Skills Training (CAST) | ||||||||||
Gevensleben et al., 2009 (Germany) [39] | 94 (82 %) | 9-12 y | Theta/Beta + SCP | CAST | CZ | 18/50 min/ 2-3 double sessions per week | No | Parents | Parents (FBB-HKS, FBB-SSV, SDQ, HSQ, HPC-D), and teacher (FBB-HKS, FBB-SSV, SDQ) rating scales | NF was superior to computerized attention skills training |
Holtman et al., 2009 (Germany) [53] | 34 (94 %) | 7-12 y | Theta/Beta | CAST | CZ | 20/30 min/5 | Yes | No | Parents rating scale (FBB-HKS), neuropsychological test for attention and impulsivity (stroop signal test, Go-No-Go test) | No significant group differences. NF but not control group improved significantly compared to baseline |
Steiner et al., 2011 (USA) [21] | 41 (52 %) | Mean 12.0 (0.9) y | Theta/Beta | CAST | CZ | Mean 23/45 min/2 | Yes | No | Parents (CPRS, BRIEF, BASC) and teachers (CPRS, BRIEF), and students (CPRS, BASC) rating scale, and neuropsychological test for attention and impulsivity (IVA) | No direct comparison between NF and CAST. NF was superior to waiting list |
Studies comparing NF with No Active Treatment | ||||||||||
Linden et al., 1996 (Canada) [41] | 18 (N.A.) | 5-15 y | Theta/Beta | Waiting list | CZ, PZ | 40/ N.A./ 2 | No | No | Parents rating scale (SNAP, ICQ) and neuropsychological test for intelligence (K-BIT) | NF was superior to waiting list |
Lévesque et al., (Canada) 2006 [40] | 20 (80 %) | 8-12 y | Theta/Beta/SMR | Waiting list | CZ | 40/40 min/3 | N.A. | No | Parents rating scales (CPRS), neuropsychological test for attention and impulsivity (IVA, digit span, Stroop) | No direct comparison between groups. NF but not control group improved significantly compared to baseline |
ADHD=attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder; BASC=Behaviour Assessment System for Children; BRIEF=Behavioural Rating Inventory for Executive Function; CZ; CAST=Computerized Attention Skills Training; CBCL=Child Behavior Check List; CGI=clinical global impression; CPRS=Conners' Parent Rating Scales; DBQ=DuPaul Behavioural Questionnaire; EMG-NF=Eletromiographic Neurofeedback; FBB-HKS=German ADHD Rating Scale; FBB-SV=German Rating Scale for Oppositional Defiant/Conduct Disorder; HPC=homework problem checklist; HSQ=Home Situation Questionnaire; ICQ=Iowa Conners Questionnaire; IVA=Integrated Visual and Auditory Continuous Performance Test; K-BIT=Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test; N.A.=not available; NF=neurofeedback; SCP=Slow Cortical Potential; SDQ=Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire; SMR=sensory motor rhythm; SNAP=Swanson, Nolan and Pelham Questionnaire; VA