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. 2012 Aug 25;9(3):588–598. doi: 10.1007/s13311-012-0136-7

Table 2.

Overview of the Randomized Controlled Studies that Used Other Active Control Groups than Sham-NF or EMG-NF to Test the Effect of NF for ADHD

Study (country) N (% of boys) Age range NF Protocol Control group Electrode position Total sessions/duration of each session/number of session per week Collateral treatments allowed Blindness Measurements (instrument) Results
Studies comparing NF with Computerized Attention Skills Training (CAST)
 Gevensleben et al., 2009 (Germany) [39] 94 (82 %) 9-12 y Theta/Beta + SCP CAST CZ 18/50 min/ 2-3 double sessions per week No Parents Parents (FBB-HKS, FBB-SSV, SDQ, HSQ, HPC-D), and teacher (FBB-HKS, FBB-SSV, SDQ) rating scales NF was superior to computerized attention skills training
 Holtman et al., 2009 (Germany) [53] 34 (94 %) 7-12 y Theta/Beta CAST CZ 20/30 min/5 Yes No Parents rating scale (FBB-HKS), neuropsychological test for attention and impulsivity (stroop signal test, Go-No-Go test) No significant group differences. NF but not control group improved significantly compared to baseline
 Steiner et al., 2011 (USA) [21] 41 (52 %) Mean 12.0 (0.9) y Theta/Beta CAST CZ Mean 23/45 min/2 Yes No Parents (CPRS, BRIEF, BASC) and teachers (CPRS, BRIEF), and students (CPRS, BASC) rating scale, and neuropsychological test for attention and impulsivity (IVA) No direct comparison between NF and CAST. NF was superior to waiting list
Studies comparing NF with No Active Treatment
 Linden et al., 1996 (Canada) [41] 18 (N.A.) 5-15 y Theta/Beta Waiting list CZ, PZ 40/ N.A./ 2 No No Parents rating scale (SNAP, ICQ) and neuropsychological test for intelligence (K-BIT) NF was superior to waiting list
 Lévesque et al., (Canada) 2006 [40] 20 (80 %) 8-12 y Theta/Beta/SMR Waiting list CZ 40/40 min/3 N.A. No Parents rating scales (CPRS), neuropsychological test for attention and impulsivity (IVA, digit span, Stroop) No direct comparison between groups. NF but not control group improved significantly compared to baseline

ADHD=attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder; BASC=Behaviour Assessment System for Children; BRIEF=Behavioural Rating Inventory for Executive Function; CZ; CAST=Computerized Attention Skills Training; CBCL=Child Behavior Check List; CGI=clinical global impression; CPRS=Conners' Parent Rating Scales; DBQ=DuPaul Behavioural Questionnaire; EMG-NF=Eletromiographic Neurofeedback; FBB-HKS=German ADHD Rating Scale; FBB-SV=German Rating Scale for Oppositional Defiant/Conduct Disorder; HPC=homework problem checklist; HSQ=Home Situation Questionnaire; ICQ=Iowa Conners Questionnaire; IVA=Integrated Visual and Auditory Continuous Performance Test; K-BIT=Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test; N.A.=not available; NF=neurofeedback; SCP=Slow Cortical Potential; SDQ=Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire; SMR=sensory motor rhythm; SNAP=Swanson, Nolan and Pelham Questionnaire; VA