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. 2012 Jun 21;9(3):610–621. doi: 10.1007/s13311-012-0128-7

Table 1.

Summary of functional neuroimaging studies investigating pharmacological treatment effects on cognition in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

Study (year) Imaging method ADHD Sample Rx Cognitive task/ process ADHD Task performance ADHD vs HC on placebo ADHD Drug vs PLC
Rubia (2009) [143] fMRI Whole-brain 12 Males (10-15 years old; mean, 13) Comb type; all medication-naive MPH (0.3 mg/kg orally) Interval time discrim. ADHD grp errors ns diff from HC on PLC or MPH ↓ bOFC, caud, ACC; ↑lTemp/Occ Cx, rSupTemp /InfOcc Cx ↑lOFC/ IFG ↓rMFG/ SFG, rMTL/Hpc/lentiform
Prehn-Kristensen (2011) fMRI Whole-brain *12 Patients (11-16.5 years old; mean, 13) 10 Comb, 2 Inatt ICD-10, all on MPH MPH mean 16.7 mg (0.4 mg/kg) DMTS ± distractors Rx ↑ acc: ADHD-rx not diff from HC, without distract only ↓ bIFG, lMedFG, lACC, bPreCentG, bCaud, bSupraMargG, bMOG Within-Grp Rx N/A; ADHD-Rx vs HC↓lCaud, lMOG
Posner (2011) fMRI Whole-brain and Eff Conn (DCM) 15 ADHD (13 males), (13.5 ± 1.2 years old), 13 Comb, 2 Inatt, all on Stim Rx N/A; counterbal withdrawal Passive Resp to Sublim Fear Faces; Recog of Supralim Neutral Faces ADHD acc = HC ↑ act rAmg, rMOG; ↑ Eff Conn rAmg-LatPFC (BA47) ↓ rAmg act (= HC); ↓ rAmg-LatPFC (BA47) Eff Conn (=HC)
Bush (2008) fMRI, whole-brain and dACC ROI 21 adults (MPH grp: 7/4 M/F, (29.5 ± 5.9 years old), off meds RCT MPH grp 86.7 ± 21.8 mg/d x 6 wk Multi-Source Interf Task No Rx effect on performance N/A MPH grp > PLC grp dACC ROI activity (task-related); MPH grp > PLC grp Frontal-Parietal-Caudate-Thal-Cerebellum activity
Epstein (2007) fMRI Whole-Brain with multiple ROIs 20 youth (7-9 years old), Comb type/parent dyads; 13 for Rx effects (in MTA Study) MPH 20 mg Go/No-Go ↑ d-prime youths and adults on Rx ↓ bMFG, rIFG, rIPL, ACC, bCaud Youths: ↑ lMFG, lIFG, rIPL, ACC, rCaud, lCerebellum; Adults: ↑ lCaud; ↓ lMFG, rIPL
Kobel (2009) fMRI Whole-Brain 14 Males (10.4 ± 1.3 years old), 9 Comb, 1 Inatt, on MPH ≥ 3 mo. MPH (10-20 mg/d IR, or 36-40 mg/d ER), counterbal withdrawal N-Back verbal (0, 2, 3-Back) ↓ acc 2-back, 3-back on PLC; no diff on Rx vs HC ↓ 2/3-back lPreCentG, bSPL, lIPL, rCerebellum No Rx effects
Konrad (2007) fMRI, Whole-Brain 9 males (11.1 ± 1.3 years old), 5 Comb, 4 Inatt, on MPH ≥ 1 year MPH mean 30 mg/d; open withdrawal Attention-Network Test ↓ perf with Conflict on PLC; No Rx effect on performance ↓ TPJ in re-orienting, ↓ ACC with conflict No Rx effects to ↑ acticity; Rx ↓ activity in rInsula/Putamen
Lee (2010) fMRI, Whole-Brain 8 Males (10.3 ± 1.3 years old), past MPH-responders MPH (5 on Concerta 27-45 mg/d, 3 on Metadate 30-40 mg/d); open withdrawal Flanker ↑ perform in Conflict condition on Rx N/A No Rx effects
Liddle (2011) fMRI, Whole-Brain with DMN ROI analysis 18 (9-15 years old), MPH-responders MPH 1.01 ± 0.45 mg/kg, counterbal withdrawal Go/No-Go with incentives ↓ d-prime vs HC on PLC; no diff on Rx vs HC ↓ DMN deact in low-incentive, but ↑ modulation of DMN with incentive On Rx, no DMN deact diff vs HC, any condition
Rubia (2009) [128] fMRI, Whole-Brain 13 Males (12.5 ± 1.3 years old), all Comb MPH 0.3 mg/kg CPT with incentive ↑omission errors on PLC; no diff on Rx vs HC Activity ↓ rmedOFC, rIFG, rPremotor, bIPL/STG, bCerebellum, bStriatum/Thal/Hpc. Connectivity ↓ bet. bIFG and striatal/thalamic/cerebellar, and ↓ bet. Cerebellar and IPL/striatal/ACC On Rx vs HC, activity ↓ rmedOFC, rIFG, rPremotor, bCerebellum, bStriatum/Thal/Hpc; ↑ rdlIFG, vermis Cerebellum/Occipital Cx. Connectivity on Rx, no diffs vs HC except bCerebellar-parietal
Rubia (2011) fMRI, Whole-Brain 12 Males (13 ± 1 year old) MPH 0.3 mg/kg Simon Task with Oddball condition No diff vs HC Simon effect on PLC; No Rx effect on performance ↓ rIFG/rIPL, lVMPFC,/striatum/thalamus, rSMA/ACC/PCC, lSTG/MTG On Rx vs HC, ↓ rSMA,/ACC/PCC, lMTG/Occipital, lSTG/IPL/precuneus
Sheridan (2010) fMRI, Whole-Brain and ROI 5 females (14.8 ± 2.4 years old), 4 on MPH, 1 on AMP Pt’s regular stim meds, with counterbal withdrawal DMTS ↑ acc on Rx N/A Whole-brain: ↓ PFC and precuneus during encoding; ROI: ↓ bMFG during encoding’ ↓ connectivity MFG-striatum; ↑ connectivity MFG-cerebellum
Shafritz (2004) fMRI Whole-Brain 15 adolescents (M/F 11/4; 15.1 ± 0.3 years old), all Comb, 8 on MPH, 4 past MPH MPH (<30 mg/30-60 kg/> 60 kg: 15/20/25 mg) Selective attention, divided attention ↓ perf vs HC select/divid attention; no Rx effects on performance ↓ l dorsal striatum, bMTG On Rx vs HC, ↓ bMTG; no diff vs HC l dorsal striatum
Vaidya (1998) fMRI Whole-Brain 10 males (10.5 ± 1.4 years old), 8 Comb, 2 Inatt, all on MPH Pt’s regular MPH dose (7.5-30 mg); HC admin 10 mg MPH Go/No-Go ↓ perf vs HC on PLC; ↑ perf on Rx ↓ striatum On Rx vs PLC, ↑ PFC; On Rx vs HC, ↑ striatum (> HC)
Wong (2012) fMRI Whole-Brain with ICA 18 (15/3 M/F, 14.6 years old), all Comb, all on MPH or AMP Pt’s regular Rx dose, counterbal withdrawal Sternberg with letters ↓ RT for targets/foils on Rx N/A On Rx vs PLC, ↑ activity in Indep Components during encoding/maintenance and retrieval; including various PFC-parietal-temporal-caudate-cerebellar regions
Schweitzer (2004) [15O] PET with ROI 10 males (31.5 ± 8.2 years old), all Comb; 4 past MPH MPH 1.0 mg/kg/d by 3rd week, x 3 weeks (mean 19 mg/d) PASAT ↑ acc on Rx, no diff vs HC on Rx ↓ IFG, STG, vACC; ↑ lMFG, midbrain, pons, rCaud, vermis Cerebellum On Rx vs PLC, ↓ rMFG/rMedFG; ↑ rThal, r PrecentG; On Rx vs HC, ↓ ACC/OFC, MTG/ITG; ↑ rMFG, lIFG, l Inf Occipital Cx, r Insula, parietal Cx (BA3), vermis cerebellum, b Striatum

Note: If information is missing from summary (e.g. Rx history for patients) this indicates that it was not reported in the original article

ACC = anterior cingulate gyrus; ADHD = attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder; AMP = amphetamine; b = bilateral; Caud = caudate nucleus; Comb = Combined; Cx = cortex; d = dorsal; diff = different; discrim. = discrimination; dl = dorsolateral; DMN = default-mode network; DMTS = delayed match-to-sample; fMRI = functional magnetic resonance imaging; grp = group; Hc = healthy control; Hpc = hippocampus; l = left hemisphere; ICA = independent components analysis; IFG = inferior frontal gyrus; IPL = inferior parietal lobule; med = medial; MedFG = medial frontal gyrus; meds = medications; MFG = middle frontal gyrus; MOG = middle occipital gyrus; MPH = methylphenidate; MTA study = Multimodal Treatment study of ADHD; MTG = middle temporal gyrus; MTL = medial temporal lobe; N/A = not available (e.g., no healthy control group in study); PASAT = paced auditory serial addition task; ns = not significant; OFC = orbitofrontal cortex; PCC = posterior cingulate cortex; perf = performance; PET = positron-emission tomography; PLC = placebo; PreCentG = precentral gyrus; r = right hemisphere; ROI = region-of-interest; Rx = treatment; SFG = superior frontal gyrus; SMA = supplementary motor area; SPL = superior parietal lobule; STG = superior temporal gyrus; Thal = thalamus; VMPFC = ventromedial prefrontal cortex

*Gender not specified