FIG. 2.
Phenotypic analysis of LOS produced by Ω mutants. (A) lgtABCDE gene locus. Inverted triangles represent Ω insertion points. The names above the triangles refer to the names of the F62 insertion mutants. (B) Silver-stained SDS-PAGE gel of LOS isolated from various mutants. Lanes 1, 6, and 10 are an LOS ladder derived from LOS isolated from F62, F62ΔlgtA, and F62ΔlgtE. The four bands show the mobilities of the MAb 1-1-M, 1B2, and L8 reactive LOSs and the ΔLgtE LOS chemotype. The remaining lanes represent LOS species from strains F62 (lane 2), F62ΩBsrGI (lane 3), F62ΩAscI (lane 4), F62ΩClaI (lane 5), F62ΩNruI (lane 7), F62ΩEcoRV (lane 8), and F62ΩEcoRI (lane 9).