Figure 7.
Sensitization to RA by Loss of One Copy of Moz
(A) Effects of RA treatment at E7.25–E9.25 on Moz+/+, MozΔ/+, and MozΔ/Δ E17.5–E18.5 pups on the incidence of DGS-like anomalies. Note the induction of DGS-like anomalies in heterozygotes treated with RA at E8.25 and E9.25.
(B) Details of anomalies observed in the RA-treated MozΔ/+ heterozygous animals. Data are presented and analyzed as described in the Experimental Procedures. Abnormal RSA, abnormal right subclavian artery including retrotracheal and abnormal origin; IAA type B, interrupted aortic arch type B; TGA, transposition of the great arteries.