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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2013 Sep 1.
Published in final edited form as: Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2012 Sep;32(9):2060–2067. doi: 10.1161/ATVBAHA.112.252759

Table 2.

Ten cross-sectional studies of the association between cognition and factors of the Metabolic Syndrome in children and adolescents

Reference MetS Factor Clinical
Cognitive tests Covariates Results
Cserjesi, (2007) Elevated Waist Circumference 12 obese boys mean age 12.1 12 Age-matched non-obese boys D2 Attention Endurance Test, WCST (sig), Digit Span Memory Task, Raven Matrices, Semantic Verbal Fluency (non-sig) None Obese performed worse on WCST & D2 attention endurance task despite similar memory & intelligence
Gunstad, (2008) Elevated Waist Circumference 45 BMI≥ 95th % 6–19 y.o.; mean age of entire sample = 12.45 433 BMI <95th % divided into 3 weight groups Digit Span Backward, TMT-B, Verbal Recall, Animal Fluency, Finger Tapping (all non-significant) Age, estimated IQ No associations between BMI & cognition
Lande, (2003) Elevated Waist Circumference, Hypertension 5,077 6–16 y.o. (NHANES) None WISC-R Block Design & Digit Span, WRAT Arithmetic (sig), WRAT Reading (non-sig) Race, sex, parent ed., poverty, meds/antihistamines, general health, lead level, BMI, heart rate Those with systolic BP >90th % performed worse on block design, digit span and math; 55.6% of these were overweight or obese.
Li, (2008) Elevated Waist Circumference 360 BMI ≥ 95th % 8–16 y.o. mean age 12.03 2,159 BMI < 95th % divided into 2 weight groups WISC-R Block Design & Digit Span, global functioning (sig), WRAT Reading & Arithmetic (non-sig) Age, gender, ethnicity, education, marital status of family head, family income, dwelling, hours watching TV, exercise, health status, blood pressure, heart rate, iron deficiency, psych & social variables Those with BMI ≥ 95th % performed significantly worse on digit span, block design & global functioning
Lokken, (2009) Elevated Waist Circumference 25 12–19 y.o., mean age 16.2, mean BMI=54 Compared performance across existing normative test data Digit Span, CPT, Verbal Inference, Switching Attn, Maze Task (sig), Go-No-Go (non-sig) None Obesity associated with worse performance, esp. attention and executive functioning
Maayan, (2011) Elevated Waist Circumference 54 obese 14–21 y.o. Mean age 17.32 37 lean 14–21 y.o. Mean age 17.50 COWAT, TMT, Stroop, Attn/Concentration & Memory Indexes from WRAML-2 (all sig) IQ Obese performed worse on all cognitive measures
Parisi, (2010) Elevated Waist Circumference 71 Overweight and 51 obese 6–13 y.o. 188 6–13 y.o. WISC-R, SDAG (parents) (varying results) None Sig. weight group differences on PIQ; BMI group predicts PIQ; Gender & parental ed. predicts VIQ; Parent ed. predicts TIQ
Pauli-Pott, (2012) Elevated Waist Circumference 177 overweight and obese 8–15 y.o. None Go-No-Go & Incompatibility Tasks of the Attention Assessment Battery (all significant) Age, gender, education, SES, general mental ability Obese showed more inattention; at younger ages, high impulsivity is associated with higher body weight
Verdejo-Garcia, (2010) Elevated Waist Circumference 8 overweight & 19 obese 13–16 y.o. 34 Normal weight 13–16 y.o. 5 digit test, TMT, Iowa Gambling (sig), Stroop, Letter Number Seq., Similarities, Zoo Map, Rev. Strategy Application, (non-sig) Age Excess weight perform worse on inhibition, flexibility & decision making
Yau, (2010) Elevated Waist Circumference, Hyperglycemia 18 obese T2DM, mean age 16.46 y.o. 18 Obese non-T2DM mean age 17.16 y.o. DSST, IQ, WRAML Verbal (sig), WASI Subtests, WRAT, WRAML Visual & Working Memory, Dig Vig, WCST, ToL, COWAT(non-sig) Matched on age, sex, grade, SES, BMI, Waist, WHR & Sleep apnea T2DM performed significantly worse performance on all cognitive domains