Figure 1. A Late Phase of Sustained Local Protein Synthesis is Required for the Persistence of LTF.
(A) Five pulses of 5-HT produce a significant increase in the amplitude of the sensory to motor neuron EPSP at 24 hr that persists for at least one week. In untreated cultures the percent change in EPSP amplitude did not change significantly over the same time period (**, p <0.01, % change in EPSP amplitude in 5-HT treated versus untreated cultures). (B) Local application of 100 μM emetine to one sensory-motor neuron branch at 24 hr after 5-HT-treatment blocks LTF at 72 hr but has no effect on the opposite branch that did not receive emetine (*, p <0.05, % change in EPSP amplitude at 72 hr in the branch treated with 5-HT at time 0 + emetine at 24 hr versus 5-HT alone treated branch). (C) Local application of emetine to one branch 48 hr after 5-HT treatment blocks LTF at 96 hr but has no effect on the opposite branch. (*, p <0.05, change in EPSP amplitude at 96 hr in the branch treated with 5-HT at time 0 + emetine at 48 hr versus 5-HT alone treated branch). (D) Local perfusion of emetine 72 hr after 5-HT treatment did not reduce LTF for a period up to 120 hr. (p = n.s. change in EPSP amplitude at 120 hr in the branch treated with 5-HT at time 0 + emetine at 72 hr versus 5-HT alone treated branch).