(A) In situ hybridization analysis of Neurl1 mRNA expression on coronal (1&2) and sagittal (3) brain slices from adult (3 ½ months) wild type mice. cx: cerebral cortex, hp: hippocampus, st: striatum, am: amygdala.
(B & C) Confocal sections of adult CA1 pyramidal neurons. Coimmunostaining for Neurl1 and the dendritic marker MAP2 or the presynaptic marker Synaptophysin (Syn). Lower panels: high magnification of apical dendrites.
(D) Immunoblots of hippocampal homogenates (H) and PSD extracts. Neurl1 and PSD95 are enriched in the PSD fraction. Synaptophysin, the glial protein GFAP and histone 3 are controls.
(E) Confocal sections of cultured hippocampal neurons (16 DIV) showing colocalization of endogenous Neurl1 and PSD95. (ii &iii) high magnification of dendrites.
(F) Neurl1 protein level in the CA1 area is increased 30min after LTP induction at the Schaffer collateral pathway using 4 TBS. ctrl: unstimulated controls. Top: examples of western blots from 3 independent experiments. Bottom: Mean + SEM from 5 independent experiments (4 mice; *p<0.01). See also Figure S1.