Examples of NESs in the PDB. (A) Crystal structures of NESs of snurportin-1 (PDB ID: 3GB8), HIV-1 Rev (3NBZ), and PKIα (3NBY) bound to CRM1. Cargo proteins are drawn as ribbon diagrams and their NESs colored pink, whereas the rest of the cargoes are colored from N- to C-termini in gradients of light to dark blue. CRM1 is shown in gray surface representation. (B) Examples of NESs that are located within 20 amino acids of the termini of protein domains: E7 of HPV16 (2EWL), MAPKK1 (2Y4I), and Gal3 (2XG3). The NESs of E7 and MAPKK1 are surface accessible, but the NES of Gal3 is not. (C) Examples of two NESs that are located far from protein termini: NESs of Yap1p (1SSE) and Tbx5 (2X6U). Both NESs shown here are flanked by long loops.