Functional and molecular identification of the mitochondrial NCX.
a, the first evidence for Na+- or Li+-dependent mitochondrial Ca2+ exchange. Original data were taken from Ref. 12. Li+ (▴), Na+ (○), or K+ (●) was added to isolated mitochondria while monitoring Ca2+ efflux. b and c, note that Na+ promoted the mitochondrial efflux of Ca2+, demonstrating a Na+/Ca2+ exchange pathway in this organelle. Unlike the plasma membrane NCX family members, the mitochondrial exchanger also mediated Li+/Ca2+ exchange, indicating that it has distinct functional properties. NCLX was identified as the mitochondrial exchanger. Studies were conducted on cells expressing the mitochondrial Ca2+ sensor mito-pericam. Knocking down the expression of mitochondrial NCLX using NCLX siRNA (si NCLX) abolished either Na+-dependent (b) or Li+-dependent (c) mitochondrial Ca2+ efflux. Thus, NCLX shares similar functional properties with the mitochondrial NCX. Original data were taken from Ref. 5. si control, control siRNA.