p300(G422S) knock-in mice produce significantly less glucose in the liver.
a, primary hepatocytes from p300G442S knock-in mouse produced significantly less glucose than hepatocytes from control mouse in the presence or absence cAMP treatment. b, glucose production assays were conducted in primary hepatocytes from 24-h fasted WT and p300 KI mice; cells were subjected to 24 h of serum starvation before the addition of cAMP. c, basal glucose disposal rates in 5-h fasted WT (n = 4) and p300(G422S) (n = 6) mice. d, p300(G422S) mice exhibit increased glucose disposal rates, increased glucose infusion rates, and decreased hepatic glucose production during a clamp experiment (n = 4∼6). Means ± S.E. are shown. p300KI, P300 knock-in mice.