Figure 8.
Suppression of the Root Hair Cell Growth Phenotype by Diverse Actins.
Root hair length of 3-d-old seedlings of wild-type (WT), act2-1 act8-2 double mutant (2/8), and various transgenic lines expressing diverse actins. The data represent average values from three biological replicates, with each experiment containing 25 samples for each line shown. The error bars indicate sd. HsB, Hs-ACTB; HsG1, Hs-ACTG1; HsA1, Hs-ACTA1; HsA2, Hs-ACTA2 (human); CiB, Ci-ACTB1 (C. intestinalis); Mb, Mb-ACT (M. brevicollis); Ac, Ac-ACT (A. castellanii); Cs, Cs-ACT (C. scutata).