Figure 1. Control islets. β cells were the most abundant major islet cells (about 60% of total islet cells) with plump and polygonal cytoplasm of variable staining intensity, from moderate to strong staining, followed by α-cells (arrow, about 30%) with strongly stained, round smaller cytoplasm. δ cells accounted for about 15% of islet cells, containing plump or small cytoplasm. β cells and IAPP-positive cells were mostly located in the middle of islets and so were δ-cells whereas strongly immunostained α-cells (arrow) were located at the outer margin of islets and islet lobules. There were globular to sickle-shaped strongly immunostained cytoplasms for insulin and IAPP, which appeared to be dying β-cells (*). L, Large islet; M, Medium-sized islet; Original magnification X 400; (A) Insulin; (B) IAPP; (C) Glucagon; (D) SRIF immunostained.