Figure 5. CXCL12 induces an mDia2:DIP complex and membrane blebbing.
(A) MDA-MB-231 cells were plated upon glass coverslips and stimulated for the indicated times with 30 ng/ml CXCL12. Blebbing cells were enumerated in shown triplicate experiments where n>54. Inset: representative blebs in a fixed cell stained with phalloidin. (B) Cells transfected with the designated constructs were stimulated with 25 ng/ml CXCL12. Lysates were co-immunoprecipitated for DIP-associated mDia2 upon CXCL12 stimulation. Tubulin is shown as an i.p input loading control. (C, D) Serum-starved MDA-MB-231 cells were adhered to glass coverslips and stimulated for 30 min with 30 ng/ml CXCL12 before fixation. Endogenous DIP, mDia2 and the F-actin architecture are shown using a 63x oil objective.