Figure 2.
The relationship between HIV infection and knowledge of HIV status. (a) Uptake of HIV testing and receipt of results with respect to HIV prevalence among women and men in selected countries. Each point on the scatter plot represents a national level estimate based on data from the same Demographic and Health Survey/AIDS Indicator Survey. Blue, women; red, men. (b) Odds ratios and corresponding 95% confidence intervals for knowing one’s HIV status with respect to HIV status (positive vs. negative), for men and women. BUF, Burkina Faso; CAM, Cameroon; ETH, Ethiopia; GHA, Ghana; GUI, Guinea; IVO, Côte D’Ivoire; KEN, Kenya; LES, Lesotho; MAW, Malawi; RWA, Rwanda; SEN, Senegal; TAN, Tanzania; ZIM, Zimbabwe.