Table 2.
AU | Name | Incidence |
1 | Inner Brow Raiser | 0.292 |
2 | Outer Brow Raiser | 0.196 |
4 | Brow Lowerer | 0.322 |
5 | Upper Lip Raiser | 0.172 |
6 | Cheek Raiser | 0.206 |
7 | Lip Tightener | 0.201 |
9 | Nose Wrinkler | 0.125 |
11 | Nasolabial Deepener | 0.056 |
12 | Lip Corner Puller | 0.187 |
15 | Lip Corner Depressor | 0.150 |
17 | Lower Lip Depressor | 0.041 |
20 | Lip Stretcher | 0.130 |
23 | Lip Tightener | 0.100 |
24 | Lip Pressor | 0.096 |
25 | Lips Part | 0.484 |
26 | Jaw Drop | 0.164 |
27 | Mouth Stretch | 0.137 |
The columns on the right show the incidence of the action units in the Cohn--Kanade data set