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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2014 Mar 1.
Published in final edited form as: Neuropsychol Dev Cogn B Aging Neuropsychol Cogn. 2012 Jun 13;20(2):220–242. doi: 10.1080/13825585.2012.690365

Table 2.

EMQ Items and Percentage of Subjects Endorsing Each Item

Subscale EMQ Item Total # Reported Errors % of Subjects Endorsing Item Cronbach’s Alpha
Speech Forgetting the names of friends or relatives or calling them by the wrong names. 40.0 25.7 0.71
Forgetting the names of common things or using the wrong names. 43.0 26.7
Finding that a word is “on the tip of your tongue.” You know what it is but can’t quite find it. 98.0 61.0
Forgetting something you were told a few minutes ago. Perhaps something your spouse or a friend has just said. 31.0 23.8
Forgetting something you were told yesterday or a few days ago. 53.0 40.0
Repeating something you’ve just said or asking the same question several times. 24.0 19.0
Forgetting what you have just said. Maybe saying “What was I talking about?” 36.0 28.6
Losing track of what someone is trying to tell you. Unable to follow the thread of their conversation. 29.0 21.0
Starting to say something, then forgetting what it was that you wanted to speak about. 39.0 32.4
Letting yourself ramble on to speak about unimportant or irrelevant things. 35.0 22.9
Forgetting to tell somebody something important. Perhaps forgetting to pass on a message or remind someone of something. 26.0 21.9
Getting the details of what someone has told you mixed up and confused. 24.0 21.0
Repeating a story/joke you’ve already told. 11.0 9.5

Reading/Writing Forgetting the meanings of unusual words. 75.0 37.1 0.42
Forgetting what the sentence you just read was about and having to reread it. 82.0 55.2
Unable to follow the thread of a story. Lose track of what it is about. 17.0 13.3
Forgetting how to spell words. 67.0 39.0

Faces/Places Forgetting where you have put something. Losing things around the house. 58.5 45.7 0.50
Failing to recognize friends/relatives by sight. 11.0 7.6
Failing to recognize TV characters or other famous people by sight. 35.0 21.0
Getting lost or turning in the wrong direction on a journey/walk you have often been on. 11.0 10.5
Failing to recognize places you’re told you’ve often been to before. 5.0 1.9
Finding TV stories difficult to follow. 21.0 12.4

Actions Forgetting to do some routine thing which you would normally do once/twice a day. 27.0 21.0 0.41
Discovering that you have done some routine thing twice by mistake. 2.0 1.9
Having to go around checking whether you have done everything you meant to do. 45.0 34.3
Forgetting what you did yesterday or getting the details of what happened mixed up and confused. 14.0 13.3
Starting to do something, then forgetting what it was you wanted to do. Maybe saying “What am I doing?” 46.5 34.3
Being absent minded. Doing something which you didn’t really intend to do. 11.0 9.5

New Things Unable to remember the name of someone you met for the first time recently. 48.0 40.0 0.50
Failing to recognize someone you met for the first time recently. 14.0 11.4
Getting lost on a journey or walk which you’ve only been on once or twice before. 9.0 8.6
Unable to pick up a new skill such as a game or working some new gadget after you’ve practiced once or twice. 21.0 15.2
Unable to cope with a change in your daily routine. Following your old routine by mistake. 8.0 7.6
Forgetting to keep an appointment. 6.0 5.7

Top five items in terms of percent of subjects endorsing that error are marked by bold font.