Table 1.
Literature review results and description of the most commonly used CRS-specific QOL instruments.
Instrument | Domains or subscales | Number of items in survey | Validity | Reliability | Responsiveness to change | Interpre- tation |
Number of studies using instrument arranged by country |
Content | Criterion | Construct | Cron- bach’s α |
Test- retest |
RSDI7,13,14 | Functional, emotional, physical |
30 | Authors’ experience13 |
No significant association with CT score13 |
Discriminant: sinus disease patients have different scores for all items compared to controls13 |
0.9513 | r=0.60– 0.92 for each of 3 domains 13 |
Change in score over 24 months correlated with change in symptom severity, physical health, mood, and perceived control of symptoms14 |
Understan- dable and short (<5 minutes to complete)7 |
USA - 26 United Kingdom - 1 Switzerland - 1 Turkey - 1 TOTAL: 29 |
CSS13 | Symptoms, medica- tions |
6 | Literature review, authors’ experience |
No correla- tion with CT score |
Convergent: correlates with 3/8 SF-36 subscales; CSS and SF-36 scores improved with surgery |
0.73 | r=0.86 at 14–60 days |
Effect size: 1.12 after surgery SRM: 0.33–0.82 after medical/surgical treatment |
Not assessed | USA - 32 Australia - 2 Canada - 1 Nova Scotia - 1 Taiwan - 1 TOTAL: 37 |
SNOT- 2010,13 |
Nasal, paranasal, sleep, social, emotional |
20 | Derived from RSOM-31 |
No correla- tion with computed tomo- graphy (CT) score13 |
Convergent: SNOT-20 and SF-12 scores improved13 Discriminant: significantly different scores between patients with rhinosinusitis and controls10 |
0.910 | r=0.910 | SRM: 0.37 at 2 months after surgery13; 0.4 at 6 months10; 0.4 at 1 year10; 38% (95% CI, 28% to 49%) improvement in score with surgery13; change scores significantly different between patients with improved symptoms vs no improvement at 6 months, but not at 1 year10 |
Time burden: 10 minutes easy to interpret: score is the average of the 20 items10 |
USA - 13 Australia - 3 China - 2 Germany - 2 Egypt - 2 New Zealand - 1 United Kingdom - 1 Scotland - 1 Spain - 1 Italy - 1 Greece - 1 Thailand - 1 Turkey - 1 Vietnam - 1 Japan - 1 TOTAL: 32 |
SNOT-225 | Same as SNOT-20, plus questions regarding nasal blockage and loss of sense of taste and smell |
22 | Derived from SNOT-20 |
Not assessed |
Discriminant: significantly different scores between patients with CRS and healthy controls, and between sub- groups of patients with CRS |
0.91 | r=0.93 | Effect size at 3 months: 0.81; statistically significant decrease in patient-reported scores at 3 months |
Respondent burden decreased compared to SNOT-20 (impor-tance rating removed) |
United Kingdom - 5 Denmark - 1 Czech Republic - 1 Belgium - 1 TOTAL: 8 |
CRS, chronic rhinosinusitis; QOL, quality of life; RSDI, Rhinosinusitis Disability Index; CSS, Chronic Sinusitis Survey; CT, computed tomography; SF-36, Medical Outcomes Study Short Form Survey-36; SNOT, Sinonasal Outcomes Test; SF-12, Medical Outcomes Study Short Form Survey-12; RSOM, RhinoSinusitis Outcome Measure; CI, confidence interval; SRM, standardized response mean.