Measurement of the duration time of the actomyosin interaction. (A–D) Examples of actin sliding under the following conditions: (A) 945 HMM molecules/μm2 and 30 μM ATP, (B) 945 HMM molecules/μm2 and 500 μM ATP, (C) 1267 HMM molecules/μm2 and 30 μM ATP, and (D) 1267 HMM molecules/μm2 and 500 μM ATP. (E) Relationship between ATP concentration and the sliding velocity of actin filaments under all the experimental conditions: 10 and 13 μM ATP, 633–945 HMM/μm2; 20 and 30 μM ATP, 633–1900 HMM/μm2; and 50–500 μM ATP, 945–1900 HMM/μm2. Error bars indicate SE for 351–925 observations. (F) An example of the relationship between ATP concentration and average duration time, at 1267 HMM molecules/μm2. Error bars indicate SE for 107–160 observations. (G) An example of the relationship between HMM density and the average duration time, at 250 μM ATP. Error bars indicate SE for 104–148 observations.