Experimentally obtained histograms of the duration time of actomyosin interactions with the calculated duration time. (A–C) 945 HMM molecules/μm2; (A) 30 μM, (B) 100 μM, and (C) 250 μM ATP. (D–F) 1267 HMM molecules/μm2; (D) 30 μM, (E) 100 μM, and (F) 250 μM ATP. (G–I) 1900 HMM molecules/μm2; (G) 30 μM, (H) 100 μM, and (I) 250 μM ATP. Dotted line in each histogram represents the duration time obtained computationally. Each bin represents the ratio of the number of actin filaments that maintained the actomyosin interaction from t0 to t to the total number of observed actin filaments (n = 104–160 for each panel). In E, dotted lines were drawn with N = 16, q = 75, and p = 23, 28, 32.7, 38, 43 (from left to right). (J) Schematic diagram of the band model. L, length of actin filaments; ρ, the density of HMM molecules; w, the band width.