Figure 4.
Effect of leptin, LPS, and leptin plus LPS on cytokine production by macrophages from subjects with asthma and normal control subjects. Data are reported as fold change = postexposure cytokine production/negative control. (A) Leptin results in higher IL-5 levels in subjects with asthma regardless of weight status. Fold changes in IL-5 levels are higher in overweight/obese subjects with asthma in response to LPS and leptin plus LPS exposure. (B and C) Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α and IFN-γ levels are higher in overweight/obese subjects with asthma in response to leptin. There is no differential response to LPS. Leptin plus LPS results in significantly higher fold changes in IFN-γ and TNF-α levels in overweight/obese subjects with asthma. (D) IL-8 levels are higher in overweight/obese subjects with asthma in response to leptin, LPS, and leptin plus LPS. LA = lean subjects with asthma; LN = lean normal subjects; OA = overweight/obese subjects with asthma; ON = overweight/obese normal subjects. **P < 0.001; *P < 0.01; #P < 0.05.