FIG. 2.
Effects of deletion of hns, evgAS, and ydeO on the expression levels of genes near emrKY, mdtEF, and acrEF. (A) Gene clusters around emrKY; (B) gene clusters around mdtEF; (C) gene clusters around acrEF; (D) genes regulated by the EvgA response regulator. Arrows indicate the direction of transcription. Total RNAs from exponential-phase cultures of W3104ΔacrAB, W3104ΔacrABΔhns, W3104ΔacrABΔhnsΔevgAS, and W3104ΔacrABΔhnsΔydeO were isolated, and the expression level of each gene was then determined by qRT-PCR. Values below diagrams are fold changes in mRNA levels from those in W3104ΔacrAB, as determined by qRT-PCR. Minus signs indicate gene deletion. Positions on E. coli chromosomal DNA (given above the diagrams in kilobase pairs) correspond to those on the Colibri website (