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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2013 Apr 1.
Published in final edited form as: Matern Child Health J. 2012 Apr;16(Suppl 1):S178–S187. doi: 10.1007/s10995-012-1008-9

Table 2.

National and state prevalence of a medical home for children with public and private insurance, 2007

Public prevalence, % (95 % CI) Private prevalence, % (95 % CI) Private versus public differencea Unadjusted predicted public prevalencec, % (95 % CI) Unadjusted predicted private prevalencec, % (95 % CI) Adjusted predicted public prevalenced, % (95 % CI) Adjusted predicted private prevalenced, % (95 % CI)
United States 45 (44–47) 67 (66–68) 21b
AK 44 (37–51) 59 (55–63) 15b 45 (39–52) 61 (55–67) 56 (48–64) 60 (51–67)
AL 46 (39–52) 66 (62–70) 21b 46 (40–52) 66 (61–71) 56 (48–64) 60 (52–67)
AR 54 (49–59) 69 (66–73) 15b 54 (49–59) 69 (65–73) 56 (47–63) 59 (51–66)
AZ 45 (36–53) 59 (55–64) 15b 46 (40–52) 61 (56–67) 57 (48–65) 60 (52–67)
CA 34 (26–42) 62 (56–67) 27b 36 (31–41) 62 (57–66) 57 (48–65) 60 (52–67)
CO 41 (30–51) 69 (65–73) 29b 43 (37–49) 69 (64–74) 57 (49–65) 60 (52–67)
CT 46 (39–53) 69 (66–72) 23b 47 (40–54) 69 (63–74) 57 (49–65) 60 (52–68)
DC 38 (33–43) 63 (59–67) 25b 40 (33–47) 64 (57–70) 57 (49–65) 60 (52–68)
DE 47 (41–54) 67 (64–70) 20b 48 (41–56) 67 (60–73) 56 (48–64) 59 (51–67)
FL 54 (45–63) 63 (57–68) 9 52 (45–59) 63 (56–69) 57 (49–65) 60 (52–68)
GA 47 (40–55) 70 (66–73) 22b 48 (42–55) 70 (64–74) 57 (49–65) 60 (52–68)
HI 47 (40–54) 65 (62–69) 18b 46 (40–53) 66 (60–71) 57 (49–65) 60 (52–67)
IA 57 (49–65) 72 (68–75) 15b 57 (49–64) 71 (65–77) 57 (49–65) 60 (52–67)
ID 48 (41–55) 64 (60–67) 16b 46 (39–53) 65 (58–71) 57 (49–65) 60 (52–67)
IL 41 (35–47) 64 (60–67) 22b 42 (34–49) 64 (57–71) 57 (49–65) 60 (52–67)
IN 55 (48–63) 68 (64–72) 13b 54 (48–60) 69 (63–74) 57 (49–65) 60 (52–67)
KS 50 (42–57) 69 (66–72) 19b 50 (43–57) 69 (63–74) 57 (49–65) 60 (52–68)
KY 58 (53–64) 67 (63–70) 8b 56 (50–63) 66 (60–72) 57 (49–65) 59 (51–67)
LA 45 (39–51) 69 (65–72) 24b 45 (37–52) 68 (61–74) 57 (49–65) 60 (52–68)
MA 55 (47–63) 71 (68–75) 17b 55 (47–63) 71 (65–77) 57 (49–65) 60 (52–68)
MD 43 (34–51) 65 (61–68) 22b 44 (39–50) 65 (60–70) 57 (49–65) 60 (51–67)
ME 54 (48–60) 73 (70–76) 19b 54 (48–60) 72 (68–77) 57 (49–65) 60 (52–68)
MI 50 (42–57) 70 (66–73) 20b 49 (44–54) 69 (65–73) 57 (49–65) 60 (52–67)
MN 51 (42–61) 68 (64–72) 17b 51 (43–58) 69 (62–74) 57 (49–65) 60 (52–68)
MO 57 (50–63) 71 (68–74) 14b 56 (49–63) 70 (64–76) 57 (49–65) 60 (52–68)
MS 43 (38–48) 64 (60–68) 21b 44 (39–50) 65 (60–70) 57 (49–65) 60 (52–67)
MT 55 (48–62) 67 (64–70) 12b 54 (46–62) 67 (60–74) 57 (49–65) 60 (52–67)
NC 56 (49–63) 67 (64–71) 11b 56 (49–63) 69 (62–74) 57 (49–65) 60 (52–67)
ND 60 (52–68) 67 (64–69) 7 58 (50–66) 67 (60–74) 58 (49–65) 60 (52–68)
NE 59 (50–67) 76 (72–79) 17b 59 (51–66) 75 (69–80) 57 (49–65) 60 (52–68)
NH 59 (51–66) 73 (70–76) 14b 58 (52–64) 73 (68–77) 58 (49–65) 60 (52–68)
NJ 40 (32–48) 66 (62–69) 26b 40 (35–46) 65 (60–70) 58 (49–65) 60 (52–68)
NM 39 (34–45) 62 (58–67) 23b 40 (35–46) 62 (57–67) 57 (49–65) 60 (52–68)
NV 35 (25–44) 57 (53–61) 22b 35 (29–42) 58 (51–64) 58 (49–65) 60 (52–68)
NY 43 (37–49) 65 (61–69) 22b 44 (39–50) 66 (61–70) 58 (49–65) 60 (52–68)
OH 52 (44–60) 74 (71–78) 22b 53 (47–59) 73 (68–77) 57 (49–65) 60 (52–68)
OK 47 (41–52) 66 (62–69) 19b 45 (40–51) 66 (61–70) 57 (49–65) 60 (52–67)
OR 49 (40–57) 73 (70–77) 25b 50 (43–56) 72 (67–77) 57 (49–65) 60 (52–67)
PA 48 (40–55) 69 (65–73) 22b 47 (41–54) 69 (63–74) 57 (49–65) 60 (52–67)
RI 50 (42–57) 71 (67–74) 21b 50 (43–57) 70 (64–76) 57 (49–65) 60 (52–67)
SC 52 (45–58) 65 (62–69) 14b 51 (45–56) 66 (61–70) 58 (49–65) 60 (52–68)
SD 53 (46–60) 70 (67–73) 18b 53 (46–60) 70 (64–75) 58 (49–66) 60 (52–68)
TN 49 (43–55) 71 (68–75) 22b 49 (43–56) 70 (64–75) 58 (49–65) 60 (52–68)
TX 33 (26–39) 67 (62–72) 34b 35 (30–41) 65 (60–71) 58 (49–65) 60 (52–68)
UT 52 (41–64) 70 (66–73) 17b 52 (45–60) 69 (63–75) 57 (49–65) 59 (51–67)
VA 53 (44–61) 63 (59–66) 10b 51 (43–59) 64 (56–70) 58 (49–65) 60 (52–68)
VT 63 (57–69) 72 (68–75) 9b 63 (57–68) 72 (67–77) 57 (49–65) 60 (52–67)
WA 53 (45–60) 66 (62–71) 14b 52 (45–59) 66 (60–72) 58 (49–65) 60 (52–68)
WI 49 (41–57) 69 (66–72) 20b 49 (44–55) 69 (64–73) 57 (49–65) 60 (51–67)
WV 62 (57–68) 68 (64–71) 5 60 (54–66) 69 (63–74) 58 (49–65) 60 (52–67)
WY 55 (48–61) 64 (60–68) 9b 54 (48–60) 65 (60–71) 57 (49–65) 59 (51–67)

Rounded values may vary slightly from differences in the private versus public prevalence shown in the table


p < 0.05


Estimates from a multilevel model predicting the probability of a medical home, including public versus private insurance as an independent variable with a random slope for insurance type. No other independent variables were included


Adjusted for child age, race/ethnicity, gap in insurance coverage during the prior year, and special health care needs; parent education; and household structure, income, and primary language