Figure 2. Tet1 translocation requires its catalytic domain.
(A) A schematic representation of the Tet1 structure and its mutants used in this study. (aa = amino acid). (B) Confocal images of DLD-1 cells transiently expressing N-terminally Xpress-tagged Tet1 mutants with or without C-terminally Myc-tagged Aid. All Tet1 constructs (FL, CD and ΔCD) were localized in the nucleus when solely expressed in DLD-1 cells. When co-expressed with Aid, Tet1FL and Tet1CD were translocated to the cytoplasm, whereas Tet1ΔCD remained in the nucleus. (C) Each bar represents the proportion of cells with the different localizations of Tet1. The number (n) of cells indicated above each bar was scored according to their subcellular localization. N (black); nuclear localization, N+C (gray); both nuclear and cytoplasmic localization, C (white); cytoplasmic localization in multiple microscope fields. The scale bars in images are 10 µm. *p<0.01.