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. 2004 Feb;42(2):759–763. doi: 10.1128/JCM.42.2.759-763.2004


Detection of equine influenza virus by virus isolation, antigen detection, and RT-PCR in foals infected experimentally with A/Equi/2/Kildare/89a

Horse and day postchallenge VI EID50/ml TCID50/ml DFAb PCR O PCR I PCR M
Horse 1
    2 + 101.5 101.25 + +
    3 + 101.5 100.75 + +
    4 + 101.1 101.75 + +
    5 + 101.2 102.5 + +
    6 + +
    7 +
Horse 2
    2 + 101 +
    3 + 101.8 103 + + + NAc
    4 + 101.7 102.25 ++ + +
    5 + 101.8 103.25 +++ + + +
    6 + 102.2 102.25 +++ + +
    7 + 100.8 +
Horse 3
    2 + 101.2 101.5 + + +
    3 + 101.3 102.75 ++ + +
    4 + 102 102.25 + +
    5 + 102.2 104 + + +
    6 + 101.8 102.25 ++ + + +
    7 + 101.2 101.75 + +
Horse 4
    1 +
    2 + +
    3 + 100.6 +
    4 + 101 101.5 + + +
    5 + 102.3 102.25 + + +
    6 + 102.8 102 + +

VI, virus isolation (in embryonated eggs) from the nasal secretions prior to freezing; PCR O, PCR using the NPF and NPR primers; PCR 1, nested PCR using NPF, NPR, NPFI, and NPRI; PCR M, PCR using M52C and M253R. All aliquots assayed by EID50, TCID50, DFA, and PCR had undergone a single freeze-thaw cycle.


For DFA scores, see Materials and Methods.


NA, not applicable.