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. 2004 Feb;42(2):759–763. doi: 10.1128/JCM.42.2.759-763.2004


Detection of equine influenza virus by virus isolation, antigen detection, and RT-PCR after repeat freeze-thaw cycles in samples with or without FCS

No. of freeze-thaw cycles Samplea EID50/ml TCID50/ml DFA RT-PCR Ob RT-PCR Ic
0 A (F) 107.3 ≥107.5 +++ + +
A 107.5 ≥107.5 ++ + +
B (F) 106 105.25 + +
B 105.83 105.75 + +
C (F) 102.5 102.75 +
C 102.3 103 +
1 A (F) 107.16 107 +++ + +
A 105.5 106.75 ++ + +
B (F) 104.6 105.25 + +
B 103.6 103.75 + +
C (F) 102 102 +
C 101 +
2 A (F) 106.5 106.5 +++ + +
A 105.3 105.5 ++ + +
B (F) 104 104.5 + +
B 101.16 101.25 + +
C (F) 101.6 101.75 +
C +
3 A (F) 106.3 106.75 +++ + +
A 104.16 104.5 ++ + +
B (F) 103.6 104.25 + +
B + +
C (F) 101 +
C +
4 A (F) 106.16 106.25 +++ + +
A 103.83 103.5 ++ + +
B (F) 103.3 103.5 + +
B + +
C (F) 100.83 +

F, with FCS. Other samples are without FCS.


PCR O, PCR using the NPF and NPR primers.


PCR I, nested PCR using NPF, NPR, NPFI, and NPRI.