Fig. 5. Hydrogen Peroxide Levels in Wild-Type N2, Short-Lived daf-16, and Long-Lived daf-2 Mutants during Development and Adulthood.
The H2O2 sensor HyPer was used to monitor endogenous hydrogen peroxide levels in wild-type and mutant worms. Every symbol represents the HyPer ratio of an individual animal; daf-16 [unc-54::HyPer] is shown in red, N2 [unc-54::HyPer] in green, and daf-2 [unc-54::HyPer] in blue, and the bar depicts the average HyPer ratio per strain and day. The HyPer expression levels in daf-2 [unc-54::HyPer] L2 larvae were too low to allow accurate quantification of the HyPer ratio. Two data points for daf-2 [unc-54::HyPer] L3 larvae are outside the axis limits. Experiments were performed at least three times and a representative graph is shown. A one-way ANOVA followed by the Tukey multiple comparison test was performed on the log-transformed ratio to compare the means between genotypes within a day. P values < 0.01 are indicated with **; p values <, 0.001 are indicated with ***.