Figure 1.
Proliferation and priming of OTII donor cells in young and aged hosts. (A) CFSE-dilution profile of OTII donor cells recovered from the spleen and lymph nodes of young and aged hosts 1, 2, 3 and 4 days post-immunization. Histograms represent concatenated data from 4-5 mice per time point. (B) Percentage of OTII donor cells expressing CD69+ and (C) total number of OTII donor cells recovered from the spleen of young and aged hosts 12 to 120 hours post-immunization. Each time point represents the mean ± sem of 4-5 mice per group of one representative experiment out of 2. Statistical significance was determined by 2-way Anova (Age and Time) followed by Bonferroni’s posttests *, p<0.05; ***, p<0.001 of young vs aged groups. The interaction between age and time was extremely significant (p<0.0001).