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. 2004 Feb;42(2):734–740. doi: 10.1128/JCM.42.2.734-740.2004


Results of discordant PCR and culture specimens

Discrepancy type and lab no. Broad-range 16S rDNA method
Conventional method
PCR resulta BLAST (% identity) RDP-II (% similarity) Microscopy resultb Culture resultc
PCR-negative and culture- positive discrepancies
    1572 NDf ND (−) CNS (+) Contamination*
    1705 ND ND (−) CNS (+) Contamination*
    1751 ND ND (−) CNS (+) Contamination*
    1818 ND ND (−) N. meningitidis (+) Bacterial meningitis*
    1824 ND ND (−) CNS (+) Contamination*
    1961 ND ND (−) N. meningitidis (+) Bacterial meningitis*
    2061 ND ND (−) L. monocytogenes (+) Bacterial meningitis*
    2106 ND ND (−) CNS (+) Contamination*
    2225 ND ND (−) CNS (+) Contamination*
    2228 ND ND (−) CNS (+) Contamination*
    2251 ND ND (−) Pantoea species (+) Contamination*
    2263 ND ND (−) CNS (+) Contamination*
    2266 ND ND GNC (+) N. meningitidis (+) Bacterial meningitis*
PCR-positive and culture- negative discrepancies
    1750 + S. pneumoniae (99.9) S. pneumoniae (0.999) (−) (−) Antibiotic treatment†
    2125 +++ S. agalactiae (99.7) S. agalactiae (0.997) (−) (−) Antibiotic treatment†
    2145 +++ P. bivia (98.5) P. bivia (0.998) (−) (−) Anaerobic culture not performed†
    2264 ++ N. meningitidis (99.8) N. meningitidis (1.000) (−) (−) Antibiotic treatment†
    2304 +++ S. pneumoniae (100) S. pneumoniae (0.999) (−) (−) Antibiotic treatment†
    2403 +++ S. pneumoniae (100) S. pneumoniae (0.999) (−) (−) Antibiotic treatment†
PCR and culture identifi- cation discrepancies
    1936d + Lactococcus sp. (87.8) Neisseria sp. (0.925) (−) N. meningitidis (+) SSEARCH result N. meningitidis
    2253e +++ F. nucleatum (99) F. nucleatum (0.998) GNC (+) N. meningitidis (+) PCR contamination

The PCR result is reported as follows: +, weakly positive; ++, moderately positive; and +++, strongly positive. Numbers in parentheses are identity percentages.


GNC, gram-negative cocci. Symbols in parentheses reflect relative numbers of bacterial cells seen in direct microscopy: −, none; and +, sporadic.


Symbols in parentheses reflect relative numbers of colonies on the primary plate: +, few or enrichment broth positive; −, none.


An electropherogram showed clear signs of a mixed sequence and resulted in discrepant sequence results between BLAST and RDP-II. A third analysis with the SSEARCH algorithm identified N. meningitidis.


The sequencing result of F. nucleatum did not match the clinical presentation of the patient, although all controls were valid. Reanalysis of the original CSF and the original DNA isolate identified both N. meningitidis. The first result was therefore reported as contamination of the PCR reaction.


ND, not done.


*, Clinical interpretation; †, possible reason for negative culture.