Figure 3.
Dynein function is required for perinuclear localization of mTOR in mock- and HCMV-infected cells. (A) mTOR (green) and gB (red) staining in HCMV-infected HFs (72 hpi); the cell on the left (indicated by the arrow) is also expressing CC1 (white). (B) mTOR (red) staining in mock-infected U373-MG cells; three cells, indicated by arrows, are expressing CC1 (green). (C) mTOR (green) staining in mock-infected HFs; the cell indicated by the arrow is expressing CC1 (white). (D) mTOR (green) staining in HCMV-infected U373-MG cells; the red cells were also electroporated with siRNA that specifically targets dynein heavy chain and siGLO, a fluorescently labeled, nonspecific siRNA that marks the transfected cells. The cell indicated by the arrow has taken up no siRNA.