Figure 3.
Interventional scores in each scenario. a Orthopedic sample, n = 172, b neurologist sample, n = 160). Note: The bars represent the interventional score, which is the weighted mean of the answers to each scenario across all physicians. The mean was calculated for each scenario as it appeared as a baseline scenario and as a ‘condition’ scenario (other opinion is known or unknown). The mean ranged from 1 (least interventional) to 4 (most interventional). Orthopedic scenarios: 1. Displaced subcapital fracture. 2. Acute sciatica. 3. Shoulder dislocation. 4. Peritrochanteric fracture. 5. Displaced pylon fracture. 6. Displaced bimalleolar fracture. 7. Right shoulder pain. 8. Total knee arthroplasty. Neurological scenarios: 1. Optic neuritis. 2. Intermittent ptosis. 3. Mild ischemic stroke. 4. Migraine headache. 5. Change in handwriting. 6. Occulomotor palsy. 7. Loss of consciousness. 8. Minor cognitive impairment. Detailed scenarios and treatment option appear in the online appendix.