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. 2010 Mar;20(1):82–90.

Table 4.

Coefficient of correlation of different parameters with age, height and weight

Age Height Weight
r value P value r value P value r value P value
TV(I) 0.714 <0.01 0.773 <0.01 0.747 <0.01
IRV(I) 0.069 <0.10* 0.073 <0.10* 0.070 <0.10*
FVC(I) 0.828 <0.01 0.910 <0.01 0.864 <0.01
FEV 1 (I) 0.808 <0.01 0.887 <0.01 0.840 <0.01
FEV 3 (I) 0.121 <0.05 0.112 <0.05 0.083 <0.05
PEFR (l/min) 0.667 <0.01 0.727 <0.01 0.679 <0.01
FEF 25% (l/sec) 0.632 <0.01 0.694 <0.01 0.652 <0.01
FEF 50% (l/sec) 0.607 <0.01 0.669 <0.01 0.651 <0.01
FEF 75% (l/sec) 0.497 <0.01 0.543 <0.01 0.510 <0.01
MVV (l/min) 0.738 <0.01 0.815 <0.01 0.774 <0.01

Non significant

All the lung function parameters significantly correlated with age, height and weight except IRV

TV: Tidal Volume; IRV: Inspiratory reserve volume; FVC: Forced vital capacity;

FEV1: Timed vital capacity 1 second; FEV3: Timed vital capacity 3 second;

FEF: Forced Expiratory Flow; MVV: Maximum voluntary ventilation; PEFR: Peak expiratory flow rate