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. 2012 Sep 3;109(35-36):559–568. doi: 10.3238/arztebl.2012.0559

Table 1. Biosocial and military features of soldiers.

Deployed soldiers (n = 1483) Control group (n = 889) Test*
ntotal n % W % ntotal n % W % p-value
Male 1483 1439 97.0 94.8 889 779 87.6 95.5 0.499
Female 44 3.0 5.2 110 12.4 4.5
Age, M (SD) 1483 29.6 (7.3) 30.8 (7.7) 889 26.1 (6.7) 30.8 (7.7) 0.103
18 to 24 398 26.8 20.2 476 53.4 28.0 0.018
25 to 29 555 37.4 37.3 284 32.0 37.3
30 to 39 349 23.5 26.7 69 7.8 19.1
≤ 40 181 12.2 15.9 60 6.8 15.6
BMI, M (SD) 1476 25.5 (2.9) 25.4 (2.9) 885 25.0 (3.2) 26.0 (3.2) 0.617
Level of schooling
General secondary school (Hauptschule) 1483 275 18.5 15.9 889 182 20.5 18.2 0.391
Intermediate secondary school (Realschule) 961 64.8 66.2 541 60.9 62.1
University preparatory high school, specialized college 247 16.7 17.9 166 18.7 19.8
Marital status
Single 1483 960 64.7 59.9 887 719 81.1 66.3 0.138
Married 449 30.3 34.8 149 16.8 28.6
Separated/widowed/divorced 5.0 5.3 19 2.1 5.1
Yes 516 34.8 38.9 889 177 19.9 36.3 0.399
Lower ranks 1483 533 35.9 24.5 889 246 28.0 33.5 0.008
Intermediate ranks 799 53.9 62.7 565 64.0 55.5
Higher ranks (Officer) 151 10.2 12.8 78 8.8 11.0
Type of unit
Combat unit 1478 616 41.7 25.0 881 158 18.0 21.1 0.006
Medical services 67 4.5 6.6 77 8.7 8.2
Other 795 53.8 68.3 646 73.0 70.6
Army 1481 995 67.2 57.8 881 434 49.0 61.3 0.623
Air force 384 25.9 32.7 346 39.0 30.4
Marines 1 0.1 0.1 2 0.2 0.3
Joint Support Service 33 2.2 2.8 32 3.6 2.2
Medical services 68 4.6 6.7 67 7.6 5.8

BMI, body mass index; W %, weighted percentage; M, mean; SD, standard deviation

Soldiers deployed overseas adjusted to feature distribution in the total population; for the control group. the weighted data shown are adjusted to soldiers deployed overseas.

*For categorical variables: design-based test of independence (adjusted data), for dimensional variables: t-test. reliable estimate of standard error (adjusted data) using Huber–White sandwich matrix


Please note that due to weighting factors and varying conventions for data evaluation there are some minor differences between the figures shown here and an earlier presentation (press conference of 23 March 2011, Berlin).