Fig 5.
Multiple alignment of astrovirus (AstV) and calicivirus (CV) sequences in the region predicted for astrovirus VPg. Sequence alignment was performed using the ClustalW2 tool (31). The following representative strains were included in the analysis (GenBank accession numbers are indicated in parentheses): human astrovirus type 1 strain Oxford (HAstV-1) (L23513), human astrovirus type 4 strain Dresden (HAstV-4) (AY720891), human astrovirus MLB-1 (MLB-1) (FJ222451), bovine astrovirus B76/HK (BAstV) (HQ916316), porcine astrovirus 5 strain 33/USA (PAstV) (JF713711), human astrovirus VA-1 (VA-1) (NC_013060), ovine astrovirus (OAstV) (NC_002469), mink astrovirus (MAstV) (AY179509), turkey astrovirus 2 (TAstV-2) (NC_005790), duck astrovirus 1 strain DA93 (DAstV) (FJ919228), and chicken astrovirus (CAstV) (NC_003790) for AstVs and Norwalk virus (HuCV/NV) (NP_786948), Lordsdale virus (HuCV/Lordsdale) (X86557), feline calicivirus (FCV) (NP_783307), and rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus (RHDV) (NP_740330) for CVs. Complete and high-rate amino acid identity (including conservative and semiconservative substitutions) are visualized by a gray shading. Gaps are denoted by dashes. Conserved KGK(N/T)K and (D/E)EY motifs are marked by boxes. The six Tyr residues at positions 693, 720, 723, 728, 729, and 747 (numbered according to the HAstV-1 Oxford reference strain [L23513]) which were changed to Ala are indicated with arrowheads. The Tyr at position 693 was also changed to Ser, and mutation of Leu-701 to Ile was used as a control mutation.