Fig 7.
Knockdown of cellular ERK1 markedly increases levels of virions released into the media. Equal volumes of media from the siERK experiments (Fig. 4) were harvested and cleared of cells and debris. Viral particles were formed into pellets through a 35% sucrose cushion and then analyzed by immunoblotting with antibodies to MCP, ORF45, and SCIP. (The MCP value served as a surrogate marker for the particle number; see text.) (A) Representative quantitative immunoblot of the viral particles released from the cells treated with the indicated siRNAs. (B) Changes in the levels of all three proteins described for panel A shown graphically, with columns representing the means ± SEM of the results of 3 (or 7 for MCP) separate experiments. P values were calculated by comparing the experimental levels to corresponding control (set at 1.0) protein levels: P values for MCP were 0.0273 and 0.017 for siERK1 and siERK1-plus-siERK2 conditions, respectively. Values in columns lacking asterisks did not reach statistical significance compared to control values.