Figure 2.
Example results of analyses of an intensity signal. (A) The SPC-signal with 1-ms (dashed), 5-ms (black), and 10-ms (gray) time bins are converted from a simulated TS signal (red). (B) The state transition trajectories. The original simulated data (red), the results of VB-HMM-TS (blue), and CPD (green) assign a state to each photon. The VB-HMM-PC results with 1-ms (gray), 5-ms (dashed), and 10-ms (light-shaded) bins are time-bin-based. Iratio = 0.5 and {λ1, λ2, λ3} = {20, 10, 5} ms were applied for this simulation. Full-length data are shown in Fig. S1 in the Supporting Material.