It is more important for a society toprotect the personal integrity of itscitizens than to promote their welfare |
It is more important for a societyto promote the welfare of itscitizens than to protecttheir personal integrity |
Large scale governmental surveillanceof e-mail and Internet traffic oughtto be forbidden as a means to combatinternational crime andterrorism. |
Large scale governmental surveillanceof e-mail and Internet traffic ought tobe permitted as a means to combatinternational crime and terrorism. |
Even if an action might harm theinnocent, it can still be morallypermissible to perform it |
If an action might harm theinnocent, then it is not morallypermissible to perform it |
The violence Israel used in the conflictwith Hamas is morally defensibledespite the civilian casualtiessuffered by the Palestinians. |
The violence Israel use in the conflict withHamas is morally reprehensible becauseof the civilian casualties suffered by thePalestinians. |
What is morally permissible oughtto be similar between differentsocieties and cultures |
What is morally permissible oughtto vary between differentsocieties and cultures |
It is morally defensible to purchasesexual services in democraticsocieties where prostitution is legaland regulated by the government |
It is morally reprehensible to purchasesexual services in democratic societieswhere prostitution is legal and regulatedby the government |
To be moral is to follow the rulesand regulations of the society,rather than weighing the positiveand negative consequences ofone’s actions |
To be moral is to weigh the positiveand negative consequences ofone’s actions, regardless of therules and regulations of thesociety |
It is morally deplorable to harborimmigrants when they have beendeclared illegal and scheduled toreturn to their home country bythe Swedish government |
It is morally commendable to harborimmigrants when they have beendeclared illegal and scheduled to returnto their home country by the Swedishgovernment |