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. 2012 Sep 19;7(9):e45584. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0045584

Table 2. Annual rates of each possible transition.

Transition* Previous bite status Previous infection status Current bite status Current infection status N Time at risk (years) Annual rate (Transitions (N) per year at risk) Approx. 95% Confidence Interval
Bit C to Bit C Fresh bite None Fresh bite None 9 31.10 0.289 0.151, 0.556
Bit C to Bit P Fresh bite None Earlier bite recorded None 45 31.10 1.477 1.081, 1.938
Bit C to TB-Cul/Bit C Fresh bite None Fresh bite Culture + 2 31.10 0.064 0.016, 0.257
Bit C to TB-Cul/Bit P Fresh bite None Earlier bite recorded Culture + 2 31.10 0.064 0.016, 0.257
Bit C to TB-El/Bit P Fresh bite None Earlier bite recorded ELISA + 1 31.10 0.032 0.005, 0.228
N to Bit C None None Fresh bite None 12 352.13 0.034 0.019, 0.060
N to Bit P None None Earlier bite recorded None 47 352.13 0.133 0.100, 0.178
N to TB-Cul None None None Culture + 14 352.13 0.040 0.024, 0.067
N to TB-Cul/Bit P None None Earlier bite recorded Culture + 1 352.13 0.003 0.000, 0.020
N to TB-El None None None ELISA + 16 352.13 0.045 0.028, 0.074
N to TB-El/Bit C None None Fresh bite ELISA + 1 352.13 0.003 0.000, 0.020
N to TB-El/Bit P None None Earlier bite recorded ELISA + 1 352.13 0.003 0.000, 0.020
Bit P to Bit C Earlier bite recorded None Fresh bite None 21 256.44 0.082 0.053, 0.126
Bit P to TB-Cul/Bit C Earlier bite recorded None Fresh bite Culture + 4 256.44 0.016 0.006, 0.042
Bit P to TB-Cul/Bit P Earlier bite recorded None Earlier bite recorded Culture + 20 256.44 0.078 0.050, 0.121
Bit P to TB-El/Bit C Earlier bite recorded None Fresh bite ELISA + 1 256.44 0.004 0.001, 0.028
Bit P to TB-El/Bit P Earlier bite recorded None Earlier bite recorded ELISA + 12 256.44 0.047 0.027, 0.082
TB-Cul to TB-Cul/Bit C None Culture + Fresh bite Culture + 4 41.52 0.096 0.036, 0.257
TB-Cul to TB-Cul/Bit P None Culture + Earlier bite recorded Culture + 9 41.52 0.217 0.113, 0.417
TB-Cul/Bit C to TB-Cul/Bit C Fresh bite Culture + Fresh bite Culture + 5 11.08 0.451 0.188, 1.084
TB-Cul/Bit C to TB-Cul/Bit P Fresh bite Culture + Earlier bite recorded Culture + 20 11.08 1.805 1.165, 2.798
TB-Cul/Bit P to TB-Cul/Bit C Earlier bite recorded Culture + Fresh bite Culture + 17 67.81 0.251 0.156, 0.403
TB-El to TB-El/Bit C None ELISA + Fresh bite ELISA + 3 90.28 0.033 0.011, 0.103
TB-El to TB-El/Bit P None ELISA + Earlier bite recorded ELISA + 7 90.28 0.078 0.037, 0.163
TB-El/Bit C to TB-El/Bit P Fresh bite ELISA + Earlier bite recorded ELISA + 7 5.66 1.238 0.590, 2.597
TB-El/Bit P to TB-El/Bit C Earlier bite recorded ELISA + Fresh bite ELISA + 5 62.25 0.080 0.033, 0.193

Note that some transitions occurred with very low frequency. They are included here for information although the estimated annual rates are very approximate.