FIG. 1.
ADMSC treatment attenuates hyperglycemia of early-onset autoimmune diabetes in NOD mice. ADMSCs (1 × 106) were administrated by intraperitoneal injection in female NOD diabetic mice (blood glucose >240 mg/dL by two consecutive measurements) on days 0, 7, and 14. A: Blood glucose (mg/dL) was measured in nonfasting mice once a week after treatment for 28 days, and the mice were killed on day 35. Black lines indicate mice that showed a reduction in blood glucose levels after treatment (n = 7). A reduction in blood glucose levels was observed mainly on day 21 after the first ADMSC injection. Gray lines indicate mice that did not show a reduction in blood glucose levels after treatment (n = 2). B: Blood glucose levels in the untreated group: a group of diabetic mice was treated with PBS (n = 7) on the same days of ADMSC administration as in the treated group. The gray region denotes blood glucose values <240 mg/dL. Average ± SEM of the blood glucose levels in the initiation of treatment is shown and did not differ between groups (P = NS). C: Area under the curve of blood glucose levels from day 1 to 28. The area under the curve was determined for each animal, and the average ± SD of each group is shown. D: Blood glucose levels (mg/dL) at 12 h of fasting were determined 32 days after treatment, and lower levels were detected in ADMSC-treated mice as compared with the untreated group. Data are average ± SD. **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.0001.