(a) Gene expression of transcription factors or (b) cytoplasmic and cell surface molecules. Genes included in cluster designations of heatmap were all more than 2 fold differentially regulated in pair-wise comparisons (p <0.05), and based on statistical analysis (not heatmap appearance) defined as Cluster 1: upregulated only in CD38−, and other 2 populations equivalent i.e. CD38− > (CD10−CD62Lhi = CD10+); Cluster 2: CD38− >CD62Lhi >CD10+; Cluster 3: (CD38− = CD10−CD62Lhi) >CD10+; Cluster 4: CD10−CD62Lhi > (CD38− =CD10+); Cluster 5: (CD10−CD62Lhi = CD10+) >CD38−; Cluster 6: CD10+ > (CD10−CD62Lhi = CD38−). (c) qPCR for selected genes, each normalized to CD10−CD62Lhi (n= 3 biological replicates, * = p≤0.050, ** = p<0.010, *** = p<0.001) mean ± SEM (d) qPCR assay of expression of selected genes in single cells using Fluidigm Biomark 48.48 analyzer (bars represent percentage of single cells tested expressing gene transcript, n=13 cells analyzed per each gene).