Representative flow cytometric histograms of the studied Gymnadenia taxa (analysed together with the internal reference standard). Nuclei of both the sample and standard were isolated, stained with DAPI and simultaneously run on the flow cytometer. (A) Diploid G. borealis (loc. GB05) – ratios between individual Gymnadenia peaks 1 : 1·54 : 2·63 : 4·81; (B) diploid G. odoratissima (loc. IT05) – peak ratios 1 : 1·56 : 2·71 : 4·91; (C) French diploid (loc. FR04) – peak ratios 1 : 1·58 : 2·78; (D) French tetraploid (loc. FR 04) – peak ratios 1 : 1·58 : 2·78. I, II, III and IV, peaks of Gymnadenia nuclei undergoing different numbers of partial endoreplication cycles. S, internal standard: Vicia faba in (A), Pisum sativum in (B–D).