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. 2012 Oct;110(5):977–986. doi: 10.1093/aob/mcs171

Table 1.

Flow cytometric results for five major European Gymnadenia species and two undetermined taxa from France

Species Ploidy level Relative fluorescence intensity against internal reference standard, Pisum sativum (mean ± s.d.)* Proportion of replicated genome (mean ± s.d., %)* No. of FCM analyses No. of individuals
G. borealis 2x 0·956 ± 0·017c 53·7 ± 1·7e 139 599
G. conopsea (incl. subsp. serotina p.p., var. alpina, G. graminea, G. splendida p.p., G. vernalis) 2x 0·853 ± 0·021f 58·1 ± 1·9c 496 2114
4x 1·588 ± 0·029b 60·7 ± 2·3b 161 528
G. densiflora (incl. G. conopsea subsp. serotina p.p., G. conopsea var. friesica, G. splendida p.p.) 2x 0·748 ± 0·014g 74·4 ± 2·4a 362 1538
G. frivaldii 2x 0·857 ± 0·031f 50·8 ± 1·9e 10 32
G. odoratissima 2x 0·906 ± 0·019e 56·8 ± 1·8cd 106 464
French diploid 2x 0·923 ± 0·018d 56·2 ± 1·7d 163 565
French tetraploid 4x 1·673 ± 0·026a 60·6 ± 2·0b 90 192

*Different letters indicate groups of taxa that are significantly different at α = 0·05.