Fig. 3.
Expression of appa and aplp2 in developing central and peripheral nervous system of 36 hpf zebrafish embryos. A: Lateral view, appa expression in the eye lens, optic tectum, midbrain tegmentum, hindbrain, and posterior lateral line ganglion. B: Dorsal view, appa expression in the cerebellar plate and ganglia. C: Lateral view, appa expression in the neural tube and lateral line neuromasts (arrowheads). Line labeled “F” refers to position of cross-section shown in panel F. D: Camera lucida drawing of 35 hours post fertilization (hpf) zebrafish embryo (Kimmel et al., 1995). Line labeled “E, J” refers to position of cross-sections in panels E and J. E: appa expression in the posterior lateral line ganglia and lateral regions of medulla oblongata (arrowheads). F: appa expression in the neural tube, neuromasts of the lateral line, and pronephric ducts. G: Lateral view of aplp2 expression in the epiphysis, olfactory placode, cerebellum, ganglia, and neural tube. Line labeled “K” refers to position of cross-section shown in panel K. H: Dorsal view, aplp2 expression in the epiphysis, trigeminal ganglia, and ganglia in the hindbrain. I: Lateral view, aplp2 expression in the trigeminal ganglia, anterodorsal and posterior lateral line ganglia. J: aplp2 expression in posterior lateral line ganglion and lateral regions of medulla oblongata (arrowheads). K: aplp2 expression in lateral regions of the neural tube, floor plate, and pronephric duct. Inset shows higher magnification view of boxed region of neural tube. Arrow points to expression of aplp2 in the floor plate region. ADLG, anterodorsal lateral line ganglia; Cb, cerebellum; CeP, cerebellar plate; EL, eye lens; Ep, epiphysis; FP, floor plate; Ga, ganglion; Hb, Hindbrain; MO, medulla oblongata; MT, midbrain tegmentum; NL, neuromasts of lateral line; NT, neural tube; Op, olfactory placode; OT, optic tectum; PD, pronephric duct; PLLG, posterior lateral line ganglion; TG, trigeminal ganglia. Scale bars = 50 μm.