Characteristics, outcomes, and complications of robotic thoracic procedures in 20 consecutive patients
Operation | Age (years) | Diagnosis | Time in OR (min) | Length of stay (days) | Complication |
Right upper lobectomy | 50 | NSCLC stage IB | 216 | 2 | None |
Left lower lobectomy | 50 | NSCLC stage IV | 144 | 2 | None |
Left upper lobectomy | 57 | Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare | 333 | 4 | Bronchopleural fistula |
Right upper lobectomy | 72 | NSCLC stage IV | 204 | 4 | Atrial fibrillation |
Right middle/lower lobectomy | 72 | NSCLC stage IA | 238 | 4 | Readmission for pneumothorax |
Right upper lobectomy | 77 | NSCLC stage IIB | 160 | 3 | None |
Right middle lobectomy | 81 | NSCLC stage IB | 337 | 3 | None |
Right lower lobectomy | 81 | NSCLC stage IIB | 219 | 3 | Atrial fibrillation |
Wedge resection, right upper lobe | 51 | Bronchioalveolar carcinoma | 63 | 2 | None |
Wedge resection, left upper lobe | 60 | Granuloma | 99 | 1 | None |
Wedge resection, right middle lobe | 60 | Interstitial fibrosis | 74 | 4 | None |
Wedge resection, right upper lobe | 60 | Bronchioalveolar carcinoma | 88 | 2 | None |
Wedge resection right, lower lobe | 68 | Benign intrapulmonary lymph node | 118 | 2 | None |
Wedge resection, left upper lobe | 71 | Bronchioalveolar carcinoma | 82 | 4 | None |
Wedge resection, right upper lobe | 76 | Metastatic melanoma | 100 | 2 | None |
Wedge resection, right middle/lower lobe | 76 | Granuloma | 109 | 1 | None |
Excision of posterior mediastinal mass | 47 | Schwannoma | 86 | 2 | None |
Excision of anterior mediastinal mass | 66 | Bronchogenic cyst | 125 | 3 | Mucous plug |
Repair of bronchopleural fistula | 77 | Air leak after reperformed CABG/AVR | 108 | 3 | None |
Sympathectomy | 55 | Raynaud's syndrome | 37 | 1 | None |
AVR indicates aortic valve replacement; CABG, coronary artery bypass grafting; NSCLC, non–small cell lung cancer; OR, operating room.