A. Almorexant (1 µM) blocked orexin-A (100 nM) induced enhancement of firing rate in Long-Evans VTA neurons, n = 4. B. Percent change in firing rate from baseline, denoted as 100%, in the presence (grey bar, ore-A+Almx.) or absence of almorexant (black bar, ore-A) upon application of orexin-A. One-way ANOVA followed by Newman-Keuls post hoc test comparing the baseline (1 min) and last one min of orexin-A application (** p<0.01, plotted from fig. 5A, control). *p<0.05 denotes comparison between last min of orexin-A only (control, Fig. 5A) and orexin-A+Almorexant (+Almorexant, Fig. 5A). C. No change in firing rate upon orexin-B (100 nM) application was observed in presence of almorexant, n = 8. A & C. Each point represents mean ± SEM over a period of 10 seconds. D. Percent change in firing rate from baseline, denoted as 100%, in the presence (grey bar, ore-B+Almx.) or absence of almorexant (black bar, ore-B) upon application of orexin-B.