Figure 6. Groups of Fsr-N homologs.
The sketches are based on respective amino acid sequence characteristics shown in Fig. S4. FGltS(I)-α and aFsr-β: F420H2-dehydrogenase subunit of a putative F420H2-dependent glutamate synthase of methanogens and a putative F420H2-dependent assimilatory type siroheme sulfite reductase found in haloarchaea; FpoF/FqoF: F420H2 dehydrogenase subunit of a membrane-bound proton pumping F420H2 dehydrogenase complex of late evolving euryarchaea [36]. Note: FGltS(II)-α departs significantly from Fsr-N in primary sequence and it is not included in Fig. S4. F420-interacting or β subunits of F420H2 reducing hydrogenase (FrhB) and formate dehydrogenase (FdhB) [67], [68] are shown for comparison.