Figure 7. Effects of unlabelled nucleotides on the binding kinetics of Cy3-nucleotides in site 1.
(a–f) Effect of unlabelled ATP on kon and koff for Cy3-ATP (a); unlabelled ADP with or without Pi, for Cy3-ATP (b); unlabelled ADP, for Cy3-ADP (c); unlabelled ATP, for Cy3-ADP (d); unlabelled ADP and Pi, for Cy3-ADP (e,f). Simple events for all nucleotide conditions in Fig. 3 were analysed without taking into account the possibility that the target site is already preoccupied by an unlabelled nucleotide. The nucleotide conditions and the number of molecules observed in parentheses are indicated at the top. Other conditions (rotational direction and long and short bindings) are defined in a. Shades indicate statistical errors: relative errors of n−1/2 where n is the number of events observed per Δθ=10°. Unlike Fig. 5, the off rates here are not classified according to the identities of leaving nucleotides.