Figure 1.
Features of BCC in Ptch flox/flox ER T2+/− and Ptch flox/flox K5-Cre-ER T mice. Ptch flox/flox animals were bred with the mouse lines ERT2 or K5-Cre-ER T. The respective Ptch flox/+ ER T2+/− and Ptch flox/+ K5-Cre-ER T mice were backcrossed to Ptch flox/flox mice to obtain Ptch flox/flox ER T2+/− and Ptch flox/flox K5-Cre-ER T mice. ERT2 or K5-Cre-ER T was activated by one intramuscular (i.m.) injection of 100 μg tamoxifen as described recently [20, 85], or by intraperitoneal injections of 1 mg tamoxifen (10 μg/μL in sterile ethanol/sun flower oil 1 : 25) for 5 consecutive days (see [88]), respectively. Genotyping of the Ptch flox, Ptch del, ERT2, and K5-Cre-ER Talleles was performed as described recently [20, 84, 85]. All mice used in the study were handled in accordance with the German animal protection law. (a) shows the appearance and histology of skin from control and tamoxifen-treated Ptch flox/flox ER T2+/− mice and (b) shows that of control and tamoxifen-treated Ptch flox/flox K5-Cre-ER T mice.